May 22, 2018 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

Buying a correct LG refrigerator is crucial, but it is also essential to know better food storage techniques to prevent bacterial development and spoilage. In addition, odors can also spread among other foods stored in the fridge.

Refrigerator food storage safety tips

Fish, meat and poultry

    • All the fresh meat, poultry and fish needs to be kept in its original store wrapping, because rewrapping increases the risk of getting food exposed to harmful bacteria.
  • If the item did not come packed in tray beneath, then slide one to catch drippings, if any.


    • Milk, cream, sour cream, and cottage cheese are available in containers. Leave them in containers.
    • After transferring milk or curd in a serving bowl, never put the remaining inside the original container. Instead tightly cover the bowl with plastic wrapping.
    • Used hard cheese needs to be wrapped in foil, loose plastic or wax paper.
  • Cardboard cartons are prone to get infected with bacteria and contaminate the milk, so plastic bottles are preferable. Milk is safe to drink before the expiry of its shelf life.

Vegetables and fruits

    • Vegetables and fruits need to be stored separately, because both release different gases, which can deteriorate the other.
    • Vegetables and fruits susceptible to drying need to be packed in unsealed or perforated plastic bags to maintain moisture and allow air circulation.
  • Never wash fruits and vegetables, before refrigerating. Dampness can cause mold and make the product rot more speedily.


    • Leftovers need to be stored in leak proof, air tight clear containers or wrappers
    • Leftovers need to be divided into small flat containers for fast cooling.
    • Leftovers need to be refrigerated within a couple of hours after cooking. There is no need to wait for foods to cool down because modern refrigerates are designed to handle the heat.
    • Left over cranberry sauce or opened canned foods must not be refrigerated because residual metal from rim can leach inside the food leaving metallic taste.
    • Stuffing from turkey needs to be removed and stored in separate container. Together may disallow cooling fast, which is unsafe.
  • Make sure not to overstuff the refrigerator. Cool air circulation is crucial to keep food at safe temperature.

Tips to use the refrigerator properly for efficiency

    • Avoid opening fridge frequently, so as to save energy.
    • Clean condenser coils once a year.
    • If fridge uses direct cool technology reduce accumulation of frost.
    • Protect refrigerator from high temperature sources.
    • Check door seals frequently for air leakage.
    • Regularly clean drip pan and drain hole
    • If your fridge does not have level adjuster than make sure to adjust levels to close door properly.
    • Everything food item stored needs to be covered.
    • Clean the surface area with warm water and dishwashing soap mixture with soft cloth or sponge.
  • Never use disinfectants inside the refrigerator.

In case of power cuts

In India, load shedding or power cuts is a major issue. It can be for a couple of hours or more. During such times, keep refrigerator doors closed for conserving cold air. It will avoid food from getting spoilt for long hours.

If your area experiences power outages for more than one day than keep dry ice box. It will help to prevent fish, meat, veggies, and milk getting spoilt quickly. Discard perishable food stuff not stored under sufficient precaution in conditions over 4° C for over 4 hours. It can seem to be waste of money but eating contaminated food means invitation to foodborne illness.

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