October 31, 2017 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

Your home interior is incomplete without beautiful carpet or trendy rug. It gives a magnificent look to your interior. Owning a royal carpet is a matter of pride. But at the same time it is a daunting task to take care of this piece of pride. The problem is manifold, if you have pets or children at home. It is not possible to keep pets away from carpets. They tend to get attracted by its colour and texture. Because of which pets love to spend most of their time rolling and scratching the carpet thereby damaging it to some extent. If not properly cleaned at regular intervals, the carpet tend to attract different kinds of bugs and bacteria also, which may cause allergies to the residents. The animal hair pile up which stinks if not taken care of.

Children tend to spill food and liquid, which may cause damage to the carpet. It is necessary to know the kind of carpet that you owe. Without the proper knowledge of the carpet it is not possible to take adequate care. While all the carpets require regular vacuum cleaning it is also necessary to go for thorough cleaning.

Cleaning different types of carpets

Once the type of carpet that you have, it becomes quite easy to take its care. Frieze, velvet, valour, Saxony, plush and shag are the different types of cut pile style.

Frieze carpet – these trackless carpet style tend to hide footprints. They require regular vacuum cleaning along with a good carpet cleaner in every 12-18 months. There is a need to clean the spill as soon as possible as they tend to absorb the stain very fast.

Velvet, valour, Saxony, plush – these kinds of carpets have similar kind of instruction of cleaning. These are quite susceptible to vacuum marks and footprints. They have increased pile height and flared tufts. They needed to be vacuumed by vacuum cleaners specially designed for these carpets.

Shag – they have relatively very long pile tufts, these are classic soft style carpets. Because of their density, it is not possible to move regular vacuum cleaners on them. Carpet manufacturing company in India are testing and recommending vacuums for these kind of carpets.

Different loop pile styles include berber, heather, tweed, level loop, multi-level loop, sisal and cord. Level cut and textured cut loop are also a different form of carpet style.

Bereber style carpets are the easiest one to clean because of their long loops. Dirt doesn’t penetrate deep inside the carpet. However it is mandatory to clean the spill immediately as they tend to trap the stain.

General Carpet care

Carpet flooring suppliers in India suggest following regular carpet care:

    1. Regular vacuum – use the vacuum cleaner that best suits your carpet according to its tufts. Depending on the traffic, vacuum your carpet accordingly.
    1. Use spill cleaning products with utmost care as some of them tend to bleach the colour.
  1. Deep clean your carpet every year.

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