August 23, 2017 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

When you get right down to it, there are few things more important to your home’s overall value than its exterior décor. After all, what’s the first thing that everyone’s going to see when he or she passes by your home? You might have the most lavish interior décor this side of Versailles but if your exterior décor is cracked and filthy, people will naturally suspect that the inside is just as subpar, which brings down both your reputation as a homeowner as well as the overall property value of your home.

Thankfully, there is no shortage of ways in which you can reinvigorate your exterior décor and no option is more intriguing than remodelling your roof. After all, your roof is one of the most prominent aspects of your home and having it remodelled with bold new roofing materials can do wonders for your home’s aesthetic as well as its overall value. This quick guide to the chicest roofing materials in Melbourne can help you get started.

Metal Roofing

One of the most traditional of roofing materials, metal is as sturdy and venerable an option as there is with respect to the current state of the roofing market today. That said, there’s far more variety out there than “just” metal roofing. Different shapes, colours, and kinds of metals are all available. What’s more, metal is a quite adaptable material aesthetic-wise and can thus be used in everything from modernist minimalism to more complex architectural designs.

Polycarbonate Roofing

If you’re looking for roofing materials that are a bit newer and even more in vogue, you’ll want to give polycarbonate roofing a try. These types of roofing materials are made from material that is 250 times stronger than tempered glass, able to withstand the severest of elements while keeping your roof and home’s overall structural integrity intact. They also feature an integral surface, which helps prevent UV degradation over time. These types of roofing materials likewise come in a variety of different colours from beiges and browns to darker greys to bronzes, creams, opals, and so much more, allowing you to have the sturdy aesthetically pleasing roof of your dreams. In addition to all of that, these types of polycarbonate roofing materials reflect light nicely and are manufactured from materials that are environmentally friendly, making it all the easier for your home to “go green.”

Composite Roofing

As stated, there are a variety of different roofing options on the market. One that is increasing in popularity is composite roofing. These types of roofing materials typically combine different materials so as to create something that features the benefits of those different sources all together in a single package. For example, roofs take advantage of materials that are made from both fibreglass and other roofing materials that complement fibreglass’s strengths. These types of composite materials can be incredibly effective and are well worth your attention.

Improve your home’s exterior décor and remodel your roof a smarter, better way with the best roofing materials in the greater Melbourne area today!

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