November 2, 2017 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

The use of increasing light for indoor and hydroponic gardens will be of great importance for the growth of healthy plants. Plants need the energy of light to convert carbon dioxide into organic compounds through photosynthesis. This light is made by the grow lights of indoor gardening and hydroponic gardening. Meanwhile, the most used lamps for indoor and hydroponic gardens are high-pressure sodium (HPS / SON) and/or metal halide (MH) lamps. The lights of the HPS / SON or MH lamps are usually directed to your in-house grown plants or hydroponics using the reflectors. In this way, the lighting is made for your inner garden in the most efficient way.

Many types of growth light are available for indoor gardening and/or hydroponic gardening:

  • Bright lights are generally used to highlight indoor plants and not “true” ones that produce lights.
  • Fluorescent lamps are useful for growing vegetables such as lettuce, spinach, and herbs, or for jumping during planting by planting plants using lighting. High-efficiency fluorescent lamps provide more light than a standard fluorescent lamp. Compact fluorescent lamps are available. They are smaller and are used for both propagation and growth of larger plants.
  • High-pressure sodium lamps tend to produce plants with longer and longer stem development. Generally, they are used as secondary lighting in greenhouses where plants receive their main source of sunlight instead of lighting. Plants grown with this type of lighting tend to be pale and washed but, however, the plants are generally healthy.
  • The combination of high-pressure sodium and metal halides extends in dual reflector systems. Manufacturers say that these lights make a perfect spectral blend and high efficiency. In fact, this type of light is a compromise. The lamps use two smaller lights instead of a larger one; therefore, the distance of the light becomes shorter.
  • Switchable, bidirectional and replaceable lamps can burn a metal halide bulb or equivalent high-pressure sodium blue on the same luminaries. However, these bulbs must be moved and cannot be burned at the same time. The first plants grew under the metal halide light for propagation and for vegetative growth. For the stages of fruiting and flowering, the displacement must be carried out at high pressure with sodium ampoules.
  • LED grow lights are quite cheap, bright and long. They are attractive to home gardeners and gardeners because they do not consume a lot of energy. Today’s technology brings out LED lights with attractive options.

With and to increase the light directed towards the plants, indoor gardens and hydrophobic gardeners sometimes enclose the walls of their growing enclosure with light-reflecting material. These can range from painting walls with white reflective paint to reflective insulation boards with a huge amount of other materials. Optimized light directed towards the plants. The larger the plants, the more they need light.

Lighting for different types and sizes of plants should be monitored using a timer. Seedlings require less plant time than medium or mature plants. Lighting hours should start from four to six hours for planting and then increase as your plants grow. For medium or full-grown plants, eight hours or more per day is the general rule.

Indoor gardening and hydroponic gardening gives people who want to work in their gardens twice as long to garden (or more) while changing from time to time do not impose limits on growing vegetables, herbs, flowers, fruits, etc. Indoor and hydroponic gardening is a great way for seniors to continue gardening because flowerbeds can be raised to a comfortable height.

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