December 21, 2017 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

When you are in the planning stage of a self-build, there are so many options about what style of property to go with but also what style of building.  One traditional method that has seen modern amendments in recent times has been the use of oak frame designs – but could they be the right option for your project?

Growth of timber frame

The oak frame is one example of a timber frame, a classic style of construction that has been renewed.  Go back a couple of years and only around 24% of properties were built with timber frames but following positive exposure on programs such as Grand Designs on Channel 4, many more people became aware of these styles and the benefits that they bring.

One of the biggest advantages of a timber frame property is the variation available, with oak frame being one of the more popular.  Examples include Open Panel, where the frame and wall panels are made from stress graded timber studs and the cladding is done with boards such as Plywood once the roof and windows are in place.  The result is a weather-tight structure to then add internal fixtures.

Speed and ease of construction

One of the big downsides of self-build can be the time involved in starting the project and having a property ready to move in. However, with oak frame designs, this time can be considerably reduced allowing for a speed and ease of construction that most other styles cannot match.  In fact, oak-framed buildings can take as little as days to erect rather than weeks of brick and block styles.

Another way they allow for the speed of construction is that they are largely a dry construction method.  This means there is no extended waiting period while building materials dry as in the case with brick.  It also means that electric and plastering work can take place much quicker.

Eco-friendly, natural option

An increasing number of people opt to have a home that is eco-friendly as well as cost-effective and this is another box that oak-framed designs can tick.  All timber frames use environmentally managed woodlands wherever possible so that they offer a sustainable and eco-friendly method of building a property.  Timber is also a CO2 absorbent material so this can help reduce the amount of this gas in the atmosphere and help combat global warming.

Timber is naturally heat insulation as well so this helps reduce heating costs and therefore use less gas and electricity – another eco-friendly measure.  With precision equipment used to create the buildings, they also lose less heat and can still be easily insulated.

Great self-build option

There’s no doubt that oak and timber frames offer a great self-build option and can be utilised in any part of the country.  For people considering the self-build route, they are definitely worth considering during your planning stage as an option to create the house of your dreams.  And the eco-friendly credentials of the materials are a great added bonus.

Author Bio: Darren Lester is the founder of SpecifiedBy, an online platform for architects, specifiers and self-builders to find the perfect materials for their build.

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