April 2, 2018 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

According to the Global Economy, there’s an average of 901 thefts in every 100,000 people across the world in 2014. The number might seem a bit minuscule now, but this also means in the 7.6 billion people worldwide, an approximate 68.5 million potential theft cases occur every year. This means theft is an actual global threat that has a lot of risk factors you have to recheck and reassess, especially when you want to keep your home safe from theft. Here are some tips you ought to remember:

  • Don’t forget to lock your homes as often as possible, regardless if you’re in or out, and regardless if you’re out for a short time. If a thief knows you leave your home unlocked, they may use this as an opportunity to take advantage and enter your home through an unattended door or window. A locksmith might be able to give adequate advice on how you can lock your windows and doors better, and maybe even have all of them keyed to a single key. If possible, you may even ask your electricity supplier if it’s possible for you to lock your power supply, so thieves can’t tamper with it.
  • Don’t provide cover, and make sure your home has a clear line of sight from the street. This means if possible, you can cut down the bushes and trees that may obscure your front door, and try to install lights that sense movements. If there’s a broken street light anywhere close by, make sure you report them as well for repair.
  • Don’t neglect on making sure your security is upgraded. Try to always check if your windows or doors have been tampered with in any way, and make an investment in making sure your home’s defenses are safe. Try to make sure your main door has a deadlock, and windows have shutters and grillers to prevent breaking in. You can even have a lockable security screen or a peep hole for added security. You can ask a neighbor to park in your driveway when you’re away, or friends to take mail for you, just to imply that there are people in the area.
  • Don’t neglect making sure your valuables are guarded, including keys. If you lend your house keys to acquaintances and tradespeople, do be aware that this can pose a risk. Only lend your keys to people you trust, as another way of being able to break into your home is to copy lent keys. In speaking of breaking and entering, try to ensure there’s a small safe in your house that has your valuables in there. Try to make sure the packaging of expensive things are torn and/or broken up, and make sure windows aren’t allowing anyone to view anything that is remotely valuable that can be a target of thieves.
  • Don’t neglect installing alarms to your house. Another layer of safety you can add to your home is an alarm system, and a lot of them can be installed depending on your needs. This allows you to reinforce your home’s safety not just with a lock and key, or grilles and screen doors, but hardware such as alarms and cameras as well.



Protecting your home from theft can be tricky to do at first, but doing the best practices above can make sure your house is thief proof should you have to leave the house. Constantly updating these best practices on a regular basis can make sure you’re always ahead of the game when it comes to ensuring robbers don’t have access to your home. Click here to learn more about the legal aspects of the matter.

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