February 16, 2018 Eliza Arcudia 0Comment

Catering business owners understand the importance of the catering equipment. Their biggest investment is made into equipment that allows them to stir up delicious meals in no time. Running a restaurant does sound like a glamorous job but a lot of action takes place behind the closed doors. Every restaurant owner maintains a clean and hygienic environment where they cook up your meal. It is important to ensure that the catering equipment is in the finest condition and is regularly cleaned and maintained.

Depending on the use of the equipment, a cleaning schedule should be organized. It is important to clean catering equipment, big or small, atleast once in a year. The equipment that is used on a daily basis needs to be cleaned daily or weekly. The equipment which is used only a few times in a month should be cleaned monthly and the remaining equipment should be cleaned atleast once in a year. Equipment ranging from knives to oven and freezer should be cleaned and maintained in the best condition.

Cleaning guide for catering equipment

Clean cooking equipment everyday – The best way to keep your cooking equipment in the finest condition is to clean it every day. Since the equipment will be used on a daily basis, you need to ensure that you clean it before and after cooking. You can clean the equipment using a gentle solution which will break down any debris. If you fail to clean the equipment, it might lead to equipment corrosion.

Clean the grease tray – The grease or crumb tray should be cleaned daily. It will ensure that there is no debris building over a period of time. These substances can cause the unit to smoke and eventually set on fire. The process of cleaning is simple and only requires you to pull out the tray and empty the grease into a trash can. The tray can be cleaned using a gentle solution.

Keep it gentle – Do not attack the tougher marks when cleaning the burns and stains. It is tempting to get on the surface with a pad but it will cause a problem on the range and could break the equipment. Instead, do it gently and choose a soft sponge or cloth to clean the stains. The cleaning solutions should be ideal for the equipment and should be gentle. Do not use strong products that can have an impact on the equipment. If you clean the equipment regularly, there will not be burns and stains for you to attack.

Pay attention to equipment you rarely use – Even though you do not use all the equipment on a daily basis, you will have to ensure that it remains in a workable condition. The equipment should be cleaned from time to time by following the instructions of the manufacturer. This will ensure that it is in the best condition when you put it to use. Do not ignore any equipment even if you have not used it in a long time. Every piece of equipment should be a part of the cleaning and maintenance schedule.

For special instructions on cleaning specific equipment, use reading resources like Expert Repairs commercial catering equipment cleaning guide, and you can discover new ideas of how to properly care for your catering equipment. The biggest benefit of cleaning the equipment from time to time is the lower cost of maintenance which you will incur in the future. If the equipment is in the finest condition, you will not be required to call a technician for a long time nor will you be required to replace the equipment.

Well-maintained equipment has a higher resale value and will ensure that whenever you plan to sell your equipment, you will be able to ask for a higher price. In addition, clean equipment helps maintain a clean kitchen and prepare mouthwatering dishes with ease. Any restaurant owner strives to serve high-quality food to the guests and this can only be achieved with high-quality equipment that is cleaned. It is the duty of the restaurant owner to ensure timely cleaning and maintenance of the equipment and this can be achieved by laying out a schedule that incorporates every piece of equipment. The schedule can be divided into daily, weekly, fortnightly, monthly and yearly. Some parts of cleaning will take only a few minutes while some could take over an hour. Schedule the cleaning procedure accordingly and ensure that no equipment is left out. Every restaurant is known for the cleanliness and hygiene maintained inside the kitchen.


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