Olivia Marcum, a young actress from “Matilda The Musical,” has joined the cast of “The Exorcist” sequel. She will collaborate with the previously revealed cast members of Lidya Jewett’s “Good Girls,” Ann Dowd’s “The Handmaid’s Tale,” and Academy Award contender Leslie Odom Jr.’s “Glass Onion.” Replacing her role as Chris MacNeil from the 1973 original picture is Ellen Burstyn.
The next entry in the franchise from Blumhouse, Universal, Peacock, and Morgan Creek will mark the beginning of a brand-new trilogy. It also appears to be a straight sequel to the original film, “The Exorcist,” recasting parts two and three. In essence offering a different sequel—which is by no means exclusive to the horror genre. This has already been attempted multiple times in the “Texas Chainsaw Massacre” franchise, with differing degrees of success. The most current, highly successful* (*though hotly contested) example of this is the reboot of the “Halloween” franchise by Blumhouse, Miramax, and filmmaker David Gordon Green.
This is presumably the reason Green is directing the upcoming “The Exorcist” episode as well. Danny McBride and Scott Teems, who collaborated with Green on “Halloween Kills,” are involved in this project’s narrative. Green and Peter Sattler (“Broken Diamonds”) will write the actual script.
Under his Blumhouse name, Jason Blum will produce. For Morgan Creek, producers David Robinson and James Robinson will work. Executive producers include Couper Samuelson, McBride, and Green. Ryan Turek is in charge of the Blumhouse project, all of which. For $400 million, the studios that supported “The Exorcist” were able to purchase the franchise rights. Reasonable, given that the first movie grossed $441 million at the box office worldwide and held the record for the longest period of time for horror films—44 years. Along with nine other nominees, it was the first horror movie to ever receive an Oscar nomination for Best Picture. Additionally, the third installment has developed into a cult favorite over the years, despite fans ignoring the second picture. demonstrating the considerable enduring strength of this idea.